Non Cover


Exhibited at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin. A drum session was performed in the exhibition one day during the five opening hours.

In Non Cover the material is made to discuss. How does a surface shows itself and is presented, in comparison with others. What can be conceived as similarities among images and sensations exposed by series of material? In human perceptions differentiating structuring of perceived information helps to form understanding. The kind of distinctions made by matter and the several parts of the exhibition is in focus in Non Cover.

Non Cover was exhibited in two rooms at the Gallery of Künstlerhaus Bethanien; in the entrance and upstairs. One part is a text that was presented glued to the wall in the entrance space along with some more art works. The text is treated as a text-material in parallel to other materials, it has a place and a surface, and content. It is explanatory analog to all parts of Non Cover, all things are made to create meaning, to moving along a shared plane of abstraction; of language and as human sensations.

A drum session took place in Non Cover. A group consisting of Axel, Marcus, Tilda and Pär created rhythms, or not, together with me, the artist. There were not any specific rhythms that we tried to perform. There were some cues for how to listen and think about intensity. We all had individual ways to relate to what drumming can be. The session was as much on how to form a group in drumming, as on drumming as sequences of sounds.

Go to the publication Non Cover.

Art Work

Non Cover, second floor overview.

Non Cover, cardboard jigsaw cut.

Non Cover, jugs sharing the same posture.

Non Cover, overlapping elements and mounted veneers.

Non Cover, zooming in the space in letters between the dot and the pin of an 'i', and the cross of a 't'. Dry-point graphic prints.

Non Cover, floor view.

Non Cover, pillar, veneer, jugs, cardboard cut jigsaw pieces.

Non Cover, jigsaw piece strict in different ways.

Non Cover, veneers.

Non Cover

Non Cover, still images stream from the Natural History Museum in Berlin, portraying taxidermic animals.

Non Cover, first floor level at the entrance. A mirror sculpture, imprinted letters and a wall text.

Non Cover, imprinted letters.

Non Cover, mirror sculpture.

Non Cover, mirror sculpture.

Non Cover, mirror sculpture.