Monthly Archives: November 2002



Sound installation exhibited at Østfold Kunstnersenter, Fredrikstad, Norway

Four sound pieces can be listened to over headphones placed in the room. The sound pieces are named; Find a place / Finna en plats, Illuminates / Lyser upp, It is mine / Den är min and To dream in color or in black and white / Drömma i färg eller svart/vitt.

The sound pieces are rhythmically constructed out of interviews with several persons, consisting of their stories about relationships between them and things and places. A model in the scale of 80 % out of a room divider is made of a stiff white fabric as a sculptural element in the exhibition.

Listen to: “Lyser upp” –Illuminates – one of four sound tracks in the exhibition

Listen to: “Den är min” –It’s Mine – one of four sound tracks in the exhibition



A project carried out in the project room of Gallery Lars Bohman, Stockholm

Bannerproduction was an art project where I made agreements with some of the visitors, that I would make a banner with the message decided by them. And then they would hang their banner-message from their home window, or balcony. Then I photographed the banners, in their presentation and new surrounding – shared to another audience of neighbours and pedestrians – and showed the photos in the gallery space.