Monthly Archives: October 2014

Bachelor thesis on artistic research, Melanie Fahden


Künstlerische Praxis und Forschung: Das Zusammenwirken von wissenschaftlichen Methoden und künstlerischer Praxis am Beispiel des Werks von Liv Strand.

77 pages
Vorgelegt von Melanie Fahden, Elisenstr. 43, 30451 Hannover.

Melanie Fahden’s summary:
Research question: Artistic practice and research: How do artistic practices and scientific methods work together in the artwork of Liv Strand?

This thesis Melanie Fahden wrote in 2014, partly from e-mail conversation between her and me. These are included in page 48 – 72, along with some other documents. The rest of the text is in German. It was a pleasure to get to answer Melanie’s questions.

The thesis is following the question of what artistic research means and how this research format combines artistic practice with scientific methods. At first stands an overview about the recent discussion about the term, field and development of artistic research in the science of art. Then it follows a comparison between artistic and scientific research, in order to get to know differences as well as similarities. What are the chances and what are the risks of this mutual influence? In the second part there is an analysis of some exemplary artworks of Liv Strand. While having a deeper look at “Sliding Structure”, “Quicksand frontier under-standing”, “Through Composition as Explanation” and “Salon Material”, the thesis is discussion the questions of how the artistic practice of Liv Strand works within the field of artistic research. Are there parallels to the theoretical understanding of artistic research or where does the artistic practice of Liv Strand broaden the understanding of artistic research?

Further information: Matrikelnummer: 207598, 7. Fach-/8. Hochschulsemester, Abgabedatum: 28.10.2014.
Stiftung Universität Hildesheim, Fachbereich II: Kulturwissenschaften und Ästhetische Kommunikation, Institut für Bildende Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft, Sommersemester 2014, Bachelorarbeit im Studienfach Kulturwissenschaften und ästhetische Praxis (B.A.).
Erstprüferin: Prof. Dr. Viola Vahrson. Zweitprüfer: Jan Schönfelder.
