Monthly Archives: February 2017



S i g n a l s  was an evening I arranged together with Isabel Carvalho (PT) and Jelena Rundqvist (SE) at NFK’s guest studio in Stockholm

S i g n a l s

The invitation red:
We invite you to attend an evening where the attention goes to the mutual concern between people and things. (Imagine) Touching a thing with some shape and a certain material making up the surface. The sensation comes along with prior knowledge, its formulations along with a curiosity, going towards the not yet known, placed in the present moment. Learning and/or confirming. It browses the catalogue of stuff put in our mouth as kids, all one knows about textures. It browses and add news. When describing what happens for someone else communication starts and it is also a material. Gestures, words, texts etc.

S i g n a l s is a programmed evening with two acts at Malongen, and one guided out-door tour. The works handle objects, text and actions providing assiduities in a socio-cultural sphere.

Isabel Carvalho (PT), Jelena Rundqvist (SE) and Liv Strand (SE) will appear with art works during the evening. This event spurs from a summer month working in parallel with a concern for links between objects and text. Isabel Carvalho (PT) visited in July, and then some meetings on text and its materiality was arranged for a larger group of colleagues.

Tja chat, tjena chien, concerning mimetic displacement


Performance work, duration about 30 to 40 minutes

Has been performed at ‘Revolve’ Uppsala performance festival at Uppsala konstmuseum and at Inter Arts Center in Malmö 2016. And in 2017 at My Wild Flag festival in collaboration with Studiekretz @ and ccap, and at Samtidskonstdagarna in Kalmar, invited by Kalmar Konstmuseum and Konstfrämjandet.

‘Tja chat tjena chien, concerning mimetic displacement’ (Tja chat, tjena chien, om härmning som förskjutning) departs from mime as a concept and a form of delivery. How something can be brought to experience and be understood, coexists with what it is to expose something through embodying it. Giving it another body. The displacement that the mimes brings about has to do with an embodiment. Basic to mime as stage performance is that another body, the imitating one, show a facet of what is mimed. In the work ‘Tja chat tjena chien, concerning mimetic displacement’ imitation also happens by stories we tell. What does it mean to do something together, what it is to become a we? In relation to a climate of increasing competition and focus of the individual, choreographer Marcus Doverud and artist Liv Strand, made this works dealing with intrapersonal influences.

Video from Tja Chat, Tjena Chien, Concerning Mimetic Displacement

Succession for words


one sheet publication, with cover

edition 17 copies

‘Succession for words’ is the outcome of a two week stay at an artist book workshop in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland co. Skaftfell. It is a lino print were two lines of words crosses the shape of the folds of the book.

the void of             abstraction

one memory           prejudice

‘Succession for words’ has an edition of 17, most copies are spread across the globe accompanying the other participants of the workshop.

Between Pl&ces


Editors: Naz Cuguoglu, Susanne Ewerlöf
Contributors: Fikret Atay, Hera Büyüktasçiyan, Ferhat Özgür, Katarina Pirak Sikku, Liv Strand, Can Sungu, Lisa Torell

This is publication presents art project Identity Lab.

It is possible to download the text. I have been part in writing, together with Naz Cuguoglu, Susanne Ewerlöf and Can Sungu, about the research journeys we have been doing to Jokkmokk, Norrköping and Stockholm in Sweden and to Batman and Istanbul in Turkey.

Design Erik Månsson