Monthly Archives: November 2009



Exhibited at Konsthall C, Hökarängen, Stockholm

Guide brings the attentive and curious listener on a walk following a logic of its own.

Guide is a version built as a prototype for a larger piece that can be placed in a public space, indoors or outdoors. Guide consist of two sound boxes that tries to appeal to people by a beautiful melody. The volume of the melody shifts along with how a person moves and getting close enough the melody will silence and start to play from the other sound box, inviting the audience to get lost in an unplanned stroll. More boxes could be added.
Guide is programmed by Erik Sjödin.

The music is conducted by Tora Thorslund and is the first part of the piece Quattro Pezzi for solo trumpet by Giacinto Scelsi.

At the exhibition Konsthall SE (se translates; to see) a number of artists was invited to make suggestions for public art for visually handicapped people.

Ett ljud hörs.

Du hör ett ljud.

Det är en vacker melodi.

Du blir nyfiken på var melodin spelas.

Ljudet leder dig, du följer.

Du närmar dig ljudet, det ökar.

Då flyttas platsen som ljudet kommer ifrån.

Det låter lägre bort nu.

Det är en vacker melodi.

Du går ditåt.

Nu byts asfalten under dina fötter mot gräs.

Det är en vacker melodi.

Du vandrar med melodin.



A one day sculpture at a pavilion in Tantolunden in Stockholm, in a project by Weld

B was a one day sculpture made out of unprinted newspaper paper, tape and some threads. It had the tree dimensional shape of the letter B. B can mark a place that is secondary or even an event that is not carried out well. B is the first letter in the Swedish word berg for mountain –it has the massiveness of a mountain. B also resembles the shape of mount Ararat, the symbol for the Armenian nation. Armenians living outside of Armenia often builds a small sized model of mount Ararat since they like to be surrounded by mountains.

B was attached to strings and elevated to fill the pavilion, the wind was helping the structure to lift. At one point me and Anna spoke the words beginning with the letter B that came to our minds.

Over a period of two weeks Anna Koch, artistic leader of WELD invited Christoffer Paues, Angela Duran, Susanne Höglin, Ida Lundén, Gustaf Broms, Rutger Sjögrim, Markus Wagner, Liv Strand, Auditiongruppen and herself to occupy, discover or change the place that is made of the pavilion in Tantolunden. The events were filmed and was summarized as a film.



School of Manipulation! a pedagogical and counter-pedagogical event held at Galleri Signal, Malmö in the context of ‘the month of manipulation’ by Malmö Fria Kvinnouniversitet.

School of Manipulation! was created in collaboration with Malin Myrén, writer and film director. The aim was to give information on manipulation as a positive power of influence. Manipulation used as a persuasive tool. We wanted the participators to feel this power both mentally and physically influencing them with our behaviours and with hard data. The participators also took on task they were given in a very brave way.